Week 1: Indie game dev of (untitled)

Currently, I’m serving a 14-day self isolation period which means I can’t go out to meet people and eat at places I have been missing for 4 months. It also means that I can’t write about our travels. Instead, I have been taking the time to work on my next project – developing an indie game.

When I first returned, my neighbour Sean proposed we collaborate on making a game together. I have no programming or development background, but he knew I had just launched my app on the Google Playstore and have some basic understanding of Unity and thought it would be a good idea to create something. I agreed and we got to work immediately.

Here’s a simple day-to-day breakdown of what I have done so far:

Day 1:
Discussed Game Design – 2D top down RPG
Story and theme – Rubbish collection and sorting adventure with fantasy-based backdrop
Game Engine – Unity
Graphical editors – Aseprite & GIMP
Set up Trello board and Discord channel

Day 2:
Set tile map dimensions
Set up Github for Unity
Started with 2D art
Discussed areas, sorted game mechanics and UI
Basic movement and control

Day 3:
More art
Discussed inventory system, story development and pet design

Day 4:
Finally got Github working
New area art and theme

Day 5:
Research into similar games
Items list and NPC development
Work on inventory system

Day 6:
Major re-shading

Day 7:
Repaint my rocks

This is the product of the first 7 days of art work. I think it’s pretty decent for someone who is not an artist and doing pixel art for the first time.